PROMOS consult awards scholarship for an internship abroad
In all he received 1,800.00 € for a 3-month-internship abroad, which has to be yielded within his study.
Gernot Wilde has convinced the jury with his work on “modern online marketing” and especially with his scientific and at the same time result-oriented method. As a student majoring in European Management the 3-month-internship abroad will be a determinative component on his way to his bachelor’s degree. “I will probably complete this internship in Prague. With the support of PROMOS I´m hoping to cover the majority of all costs incurred for this stay abroad and fully concentrate on my internship”, says Gernot Wilde delighted.
“With the awarding of this scholarship to Mr. Wilde we carry on a long-lasting tradition in our PROMOS house. It’s important to us to support focussed and qualified young people on their way to occupational life and to push creative ideas and innovative approaches at the same time”, explains Jens Kramer, CEO of the software company, which was founded in 1998. “The scientific work of Mr. Wilde is content-related of great relevance for PROMOS. We are deeply convinced that in the future modern online media will be a grave component of customer communication, also in the B2B-area. With our own YouTube-Channel and XING-profile we have been coming towards the changing information behavior of our customers for quite some time. Additionally, we are planning on performing regular online seminars”, says Kramer.
With the awarding of scholarships PROMOS consult not only wants to meet its social responsibility but also use this support in perspective to establish long-dated contact with emerging talents of the TH Wildau. At the same time the company offers young people occupational perspective with different apprenticeship-concepts every year. This year two apprenticeship places for businessmen/-women in office management are announced. Interested applicants can apply to

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