PROMOS consult provides church real estate company HWS with new administration software
PROMOS.GT will replace the existing GES software used by HWS. PROMOS beat several competitors in the restricted tender procedure. The system will go live on 1 January 2018.
“The decisive factor for HWS was being able to implement a new ERP system right on time that would cover the full spectrum of real estate and property management without data redundancies. We are delighted that we were able to impress HWS with our open PROMOS.GT solution library, which has a dedicated template for every task,” said Jens Kramer, CEO of PROMOS. HWS defined its requirements for the new administration software with a catalogue of criteria in 2015. “With PROMOS.GT, we can combine all our operational areas in a central ERP program without any data discontinuities or interface problems. The project group, consisting of managers and employees, was particularly impressed by the PROMOS team's strict timetable for implementing the new system and by PROMOS's great innovative capacity,” said Jörn von der Lieth, Managing Director of HWS.
The easysquare mobile tool will enable HWS to carry out numerous rental management processes using mobile technology. Property managers will be equipped with mobile devices, and the data recorded on location will be sent straight to the central ERP system. “Modern ERP systems must be able to bring together all working steps, whether they use stationary or mobile technology, in order to guarantee uninterrupted processes with no data discontinuities. The planned switch from GES is a great opportunity for many companies, particularly in property management, to work more efficiently and reduce costs,” added Kramer.
HWS is the real estate management company of the Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz Evangelical Regional Church. It manages a portfolio of 10,000 units. In addition to regional church property, HWS manages many other portfolios of individual parishes, foundations and other church institutions. The managed portfolio includes twelve independent companies that will be fully integrated into the new ERP software PROMOS.GT.
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