Property obligates – Safety precaution with easysquare
With the safety precaution solution of
easysquare the owner gets the opportunity to manage his duties and obligations
efficiently and understandably. The solution is convenient for simple visual and functional controls
as well as complex inspection tasks with
different intervals, operator responsibilities
and a SAP®-integration.
The safety precaution solution creates generic safety precaution reports for every object. Due object-specific inspection tasks are the basis. Required qualifications for the handling of those inspection tasks are considered as well.
With the easysquare
platform and the easysquare mobile
app different operators, external service providers as well as employees or
subsidiaries can be technically integrated into the process of safety
precaution efficiently and quickly in order to simplify and automate the
processes radically.
On the easysquare platform inspection
catalogues are recorded and assigned to the particular object data and persons
responsible – from simple inspection tasks needed to be realized annually to
complex, external inspection catalogues (e. g. REG-IS). The respective operator
being responsible for the handling of the task has the opportunity to call up
and manage the respective inspection tasks via the easysquare platform.
With the easysquare mobile app inspections can
be performed with mobile devices on-site and results as well as damages can be
captured right away. Those mobile captured data can be sent to the easysquare
platform so that every involved can access the current information any time, e.
g. status overviews or inspection reports as proving documents.
Beyond that the easysquare platform can be
connected to the owner’s SAP®- system smoothly via ready to use plug-ins. This
way manual interfaces are minimized, work efforts are reduced and the entire
information can be accessed by the owner at any time in his central SAP®-system.
With the connection to the owner’s SAP®-system an assignment of inspection tasks
to the inspection objects and technical places is made possible. In SAP® the
owner can connect inspection catalogues with an inspection cycle, an operator
as well as information about required qualifications of the performing person
and control roles.