If the Tenant Falls Behind – Installment with Easysquare Workflow
If the tenant falls behind, the property management has to decide, if the tenant could pay off in monthly rent arrears, so that an installment contract is required. Such an installment contract could bring advances for the lessor; e.g. by support the relationship between the parties in order to perceive as a customer-friendly and flexible company. Nevertheless the effort of the maintenance of such a process should be keep as low as possible.
Using easysquare workflow in practice has proven itself as an intelligent and multipurpose controlling tool to different business processes of a housing association and could also offer a clear solution in illustrating installment contracts and the processes of rent arrears.
The procedure provides that the installment contracts regularly will be installed, saved and printed in SAP® by which the easysquare workflow will initiate into processing. For optional request, it has a supplementary tool to verification, correction etc. an individual release strategy.

The printed installment contract will be delivered to the tenant for signature. As soon as the signed document returns to the company, the accounting clerk could prepare the current process by arrange or if appropriate cancel it.
So far the standard SAP® was disabling to buffer between the period of applying an installment contract and booking it. It turns out disadvantageous to post data in the system before having the signature of the tenant. The system extension from PROMOS makes it possible to buffer right at the beginning and makes it unnecessary to renew the entry of complete information of the installment contract. This procedure save time, avoid mistakes and employees have always keep a survey on purity of contractual relations.
Even the
positioning of outstanding items appears in the dialog of the recorded installment
contract and the appropriate examinations controls the status of outstanding
items in the background.
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