IT&I No. 26 – Hurray for digitisation
As PROMOS, we have now been driving digitisation in the real-estate industry with innovative solutions for 20 years. This anniversary is reason enough to take a look back in the latest issue of IT&I.
In addition, our customers once again provide exciting reports on digitisation in practice, including the articles “Brilliance in Bonn – implementing a comprehensive digitisation strategy” and “Simply illuminating – Leipzig’s public utilities company uses electronic data exchange in purchasing and logistics”.
Desks piled high with stacks of files have been replaced by enormous volumes of digital data. This is less visible than the mountains of files but contains even more information. We show you how to actively use your data mountains and transform them into true data treasuries.

You can read about this and much more in our current issue of IT&I. Of course, all the articles are available in digital form on our website.
If you would prefer to get your hands on a paper copy of our magazine, simply subscribe free of charge here: