PROMOS invoicing service – reduce administrative work by 50 per cent and save costs
Imagine if you could not only make the process of creating utility cost statements more efficient, but also reduce the associated costs! With integrated processes and the autonomous processing of existing data in their own ERP system, housing companies can reduce their administrative work by up to 50 per cent. This ensures that neither you as a company nor your tenants will be burdened with rising costs; in fact, it’s highly likely that you can actually reduce costs.
It may seem like there is a long road ahead to achieve this, but we are here to help you. With EXAD, we offer a standardised software solution that allows you to create utility cost statements easily, and which is already being used successfully by billing service providers. With our new invoicing service, we are going one step further. In addition to technical support, we offer you our many years of experience in the housing industry and our services in dealing with meter reading companies and energy suppliers. We represent your needs and deal with your service providers directly. Our aim is to convert your data into a standardised format so that it can be processed seamlessly and completely digitally in EXAD.
Right now, data from energy suppliers still has to be entered manually into the ERP system and then transferred digitally to the meter reading companies or even entered manually in their online portals. All this requires a lot of manual effort. Thanks to our new invoicing service and our EXAD solution, these manual steps will be a thing of the past. The whole billing process is standardised and automated through the integrated processing of harmonised data. EXAD also seamlessly connects to your SAP® system so that billing can be controlled directly from the ERP application, i.e., from the Utilities Cockpit (NKPU), almost like an add-on. Dirk Krause, utility costs specialist at PROMOS consult, supports the new service, “With this invoicing service, we are revolutionising billing processes for utility costs. It is cost saving, process efficient and flexible. No matter what other legal changes you have to deal with in the future, with this solution, you are equipped for all eventualities. What makes this solution unique is that you save a lot of money (per invoice) compared to conventional processes. Whether you use these cost savings for further investments or pass them on to your tenants for marketing purposes is your business decision”. You have complete free reign with this PROMOS service.
So we not only support you with the necessary technology, but also in process optimisation and when it comes to handling energy suppliers and meter reading companies. We also support the ongoing utility statements process. Discover how innovative solutions are revolutionising the future of utility statements!